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Manon - Portfolio & Agency Theme $79


  • 6 months support / Lifetime updates
  • This item is sold exclusively on ThemeForest
  • Complete  Youtube  Tutorials
3233 sales
Created: 17 Apr 19  —  Updated: 04 Dec 24

Detailed Presentation

Creative superpower is at your fingertips with Manon, modern portfolio and agency theme. With its layouts and endless features, you can create an impressive visual representation of the depth and volume of your work. Do it today.

Key Features : Bespoke Animations, Animated Cursor, Hero Intro Effect, Dozens of Portfolio Layouts, Interactive Links
Ideal for : Designers, Creative Studios, Digital Agencies, Architects, Photographers, Freelancers

All our themes have

Professional support Unlimited updates 1 click demo content import 1K+ font styles available Easy color switch
Mobile ready SEO friendly Retina ready Translation ready Well documented
Social icons, social share Custom code friendly Fully customizable headers Fully customizable footers Adaptable shortcodes
Flexible layouts No coding required 100% GPL licensed

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  • pinakoteka98
    2 years ago

    Hi, is it possible to change in the animation template of the cursor that turns into a flame? Thanks a lot, Lucas

    • Qode Interactive
      2 years ago

      Hi there,

      Those SVG icons can not be changed through theme options, but our support team can point you to the theme files where you can change this. To reach out to our support team check this article.
      Do let us know if you have any additional questions.

    4 years ago

    Hi there, I used your theme since a while and I really like it. I just have one question. I would like to change the aspect of the button when I put my mouse on the portfolio image. I is now a flame, is it possible to change or remove this icon? Thanks a lot, Charlotte

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi there, please reach out to our support team and one of our agents will be happy to help. Simply create an account and submit your request on our Help Center.
      Best regards,

  • areizyen
    4 years ago

    hi, I can only buy html, css, js templates ? I don’t just need wordpress, I need the frontend of the site))) please help, thank you

    4 years ago

    Hi there, I’m thinking about buying Manon Theme. How can I check the page speed? And do you have live support? Thanks!

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi, thanks for reaching out!
      Demo site isn’t optimized and its main purpose is to present all theme functionalities, and end users should increase performance on their own by using reliable hosting service providers with high resources, and with fast and secure servers, and by using some caching / optimization plugin. You can find more info here: Our support will be at your disposal once you’ve purchased the theme.
      Let us know if you need anything else.
      Best regards,
      Qode Interactive

  • hech_soppa
    4 years ago

    Hi there, i’m thinking about buying the manon theme and i have a question beforehand: is it possible to run this huge typo animation at startup only once, on the first page load? it shouldn’t play again if you get back to “home” while browsing the site. thanks, johannes

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi, thanks for writing in!
      What you’re asking for is not set as an option with Manon. To get the animation to only run on the first page load, you’d have to do some custom coding.
      Let us know if you need anything else.

    5 years ago

    Hi there, I bought your theme few weeks ago and I’m working on it. I wanted to go back on the live preview of the website to check some pages and it’s not working (on any website or web server). thanks a lot, Charlotte

    • Qode Interactive
      5 years ago

      Hi, thanks for writing in! We had a temporary server issue, which is now resolved. Check the live theme again, and let us know if you need anything else!
      Best regards,

  • TechToils
    5 years ago

    Hello I have purchased this theme and used it for one of my clients website, i wanted to use the same theme on another clients website it says i have to degister from the previous one.. could u please let me know if i can only use a purchased theme on a single site??

    • Qode Interactive
      5 years ago

      Hi, thanks for reaching out.
      Yes, when you purchase a theme, you can only use it on one domain (one license = one domain). This means that if you want to use the theme on the other client’s website, you need to purchase a another license.
      Let us know if you need anything else.
      Best regards,

  • xart gate
    5 years ago

    Hello, when i open page in the name of page i see the word “Archieve” instead of “name” of category. Tell me please how i can echo name of category instead of word ARCHIEVE?
    Big thanks

    • Qode Interactive
      5 years ago

      Hi, thanks for reaching out.
      You can install Yoast (you can check out a full tutorial for this excellent plugin here or another SEO plugin of your choice that will help you do this. Another option would be to modify code for the title function, since there isn’t a preset option for this.
      Best regards,

    5 years ago

    where is support page?

  • Matsumura
    5 years ago

    Hello,I trying to animate the text, it’s disappears or Text Marquee don´t move.

    • Qode Interactive
      5 years ago

      Hi there, thank you for writing in! Please reach out to our support team at and they will assist you with this issue. Simply create an account and submit your request on our Help Center.
      Let us know if you need anything else.
      Best regards,

  • marionsch
    5 years ago


    I am very frustrated with this theme as I constantly have troubles.

    atm it shows 2 menus. one wiht content one without!
    and I have no idea why it does that and how to get rid of it!

    PLS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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