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Kamperen - Camping and Adventure Tourism $85


  • 6 months support / Lifetime updates
  • This item is sold exclusively on ThemeForest
  • Premium Images Included
    By purchasing this theme you get all the images featured throughout the theme for use on your website free of charge.
    Please note that the images may only be featured on a website built using this specific WordPress theme.
832 sales
Created: 07 Sep 21  —  Updated: 14 Mar 25
Kamperen by Edge - Themes

Detailed Presentation

Start your adventure travel with Kamperen, a modern theme designed for campground, glamping and outdoor adventure tours websites. Light up the bonfire and start your Kamperen experience!

Key Features : Advanced Booking Functionality, Accommodation Lists and Singles, Reviews, Galleries, Pricing Packages, Blog
Ideal for : Camping and Campgrounds, Glamping, Children Camps, Summer Camps, Holiday Rentals

All our themes have

Professional support Unlimited updates 1 click demo content import 1K+ font styles available Easy color switch
Mobile ready SEO friendly Retina ready Translation ready Well documented
Social icons, social share Custom code friendly Fully customizable headers Fully customizable footers Adaptable shortcodes
Flexible layouts No coding required 100% GPL licensed

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  • maturinds
    1 year ago

    Hello, I would like to know if there is a backend demo available for Kamperen, in order to see how the booking system works. Thanks in advance!

    • Qode Interactive
      1 year ago


      Unfortunately trial periods or testing environments are not available as options. For a more detailed overview of theme’s options please check the documentation in this link and feel free to reach us if you have any additional questions.
      Do let us know if you have any additional questions.

  • kfabregas
    2 years ago

    Hello, I am considering the Kamperen theme for a multi location campground nonprofit. However, they also sell renewable annual camper memberships (aka subscriptions) and want to track all member (users) data in a centralized user database along with their booking history.

    They also offer member discounts on bookings. Does your membership plug-in also include membership/subscriber product sales? If not, could I use the woocommerce subscription product and track those sales to the main user database? Just not sure where you’re recording member/booking history and if it could tie to woo sales within a central customer (user) database.

    I was considering a scratch build with WooCommerce bookings, accommodation, and membership/subscriber plug-ins. but I like your theme and would rather start with this rather than build from scratch.

    • Qode Interactive
      2 years ago

      Hi there,
      The Kamperen booking system is our own where the reservation form is integrated within the theme and the process of purchasing goes through WooCommerce where we do use their functionality for this purpose.

      However if you want to organize the booking or a request differently then you will need to edit our theme files, as there is no option to make a reservation request other than through our booking form.

      Our membership plugin does display the user info and bookings so perhaps you can try to use WooCommerce add-on for subscription for this purpose. Do note that we have not tested this feature with our theme and cannot guaranty theme compatibility, so you will have to test this directly on your end.

      Thanks for understanding and let us know, if you need any additional information feel free to send us a mail to our help center.


  • CuCasaInSpate
    3 years ago

    hello, I can’t find it Kamperen Accommodation plugin. Can you please help me?
    Thank you!

    • Qode Interactive
      3 years ago

      Hi there,

      Thanks for taking an interest!
      Please check if you have installed all required plugins which comes with the theme and that you have registered your theme in our Kamperen Dashboard. The Kamperen booking system is our own where the reservation form is integrated within the theme and the process of purchasing goes through WooCommerce where we do use their functionality for this purpose.

      If you need any assistance with this we would appreciate it if you could submit a request at our help centre and our support team will be able to help you.

      Thank you.

      Best regards,

  • paula_pozueco_google
    3 years ago

    Hi, Are all those plugins included and updated, or do we have to purchase them apart? In your demos, I can’t change the language. Is there a fix?

    • Qode Interactive
      3 years ago


      Kampreren theme comes bundled with Slider Revolution plugin and this means that you will not have access to automatic updates. However, we will release the latest plugin versions with our theme updates, so you will have access to them by updating your theme.

      For more info about bundled plugins, see this article.

      The rest of the plugins (Contact Form 7, Elementor, WooCommerce) are free.

      Language switcher on the live demo is for presentational purposes only, however, theme is compatible with WPML plugin, and if you wish to create a multi-language website, take a look at this article.

      Let us know if you need anything else.

    3 years ago

    Hi, im really interested in your theme. I was wondering if a messaging feature is in the theme like airbnb… can it be added if not? cheers

    • Qode Interactive
      3 years ago

      Hi there,
      Thank you for taking interest in our theme. Unfortunately this is not a feature of the theme. You can try to add this feature with some 3rd party plugin, however we haven’t tested such plugins with the Kamperen theme and we cannot give you an exact recommendation.
      Let us know if you need anything else.

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