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La Comète - Fashion and Clothing Store Theme $85


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470 sales
Created: 03 Jul 19  —  Updated: 18 Jan 22
La Comète by Edge - Themes

Detailed Presentation

La Comète lets you create any type of contemporary fashion or clothing store website with ease. You get an alluring collection of templates in addition to full WooCommerce compatibility. Get a contemporary online store website that’s just out of this world!

Key Features : Modern Shop Layouts, Animated Product List, Lookbook, Quick View, Wishlist, Instagram Integration, Blog, Elegant Style
Ideal for : Fashion Brands, Clothing Stores and Boutiques, Lookbooks, Fashion Designers and Bloggers

All our themes have

Professional support Unlimited updates 1 click demo content import 1K+ font styles available Easy color switch
Mobile ready SEO friendly Retina ready Translation ready Well documented
Social icons, social share Custom code friendly Fully customizable headers Fully customizable footers Adaptable shortcodes
Flexible layouts No coding required 100% GPL licensed

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  • Dkeith
    4 years ago

    Hello, Another comment because this is not exactly what I wanted to know. Will it be possible to use just the fullscreen of the “main home” ( and combine it with the “Shop Compact” demo ( So, on the SAME page, I would like to have the fullscreen of the “main home” demo and when I scroll have the “Shop Compact” demo.

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      If you wish to have the FullSrceen Slider visible on the shop compact page (if this is what you refer when you mention Full screen) then yes this is possible, where you can add the Slider and underneath it use the product list. However, if you set your menu to be Left menu it will be shown on the whole page, meaning that the slider will be on the right side of the left menu.

  • Dkeith
    4 years ago

    Hello, Will it be possible to use just the fullscreen of the “main home” ( and combine it with the “Shop Compact” demo (

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi! You will be able to use the Home page and choose the left side Menu as it is on the shop-compact page, also on the homepage you can for sure add product list and combine the homepage content with the product list. So this is for sure possible.

  • Dkeith
    4 years ago

    Hi ! I am thinking of buying this template, but I would like to use the demo “Shop Compact” ( on the whole website. With this demo will it be possible to build a full screen homepage with the main menu on the left? Or what is the homepage associated with this demo?

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi there,
      Thanks for taking an interest! You will be for sure able to use Shop compact page and set it to be your home page. You should know that once you import the demo content you will get all the pages that you see presented on our demo website and it is then a matter of you setting your Front home page.
      Let us know if you need anything else.

  • KMxa
    4 years ago

    Hello, is it possible to put overlay text + buttons on a video strip? Like on this page: Thank you!

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi there,
      It is possible to put overlay text and buttons on a video using the regular row options and also by using slider revolution plugin.
      In case you need further assistance please submit a ticket at our Help Center, add url of your site and one of our support agents will check this and gladly help you.
      Let us know if you need anything else.

  • afroyiddish
    4 years ago

    Hi, is it possible to use WP Bakery and Elementor at the same time with this theme ? Because I thought all you theme were with Elementor but this one is with WP Bakery. But I’m more limited with WP Bakery and it’s harder and less intuitive to use. thank you

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi there, the theme comes included with WPBakery plugin which is more than enough to achieve anything you do see on our website demo. LaComete theme does not support Elementor unfortunately, some of our other themes are compatible with Elementor and you can check them here. Also when it comes to LaComet you can find our theme documentation here, so you can get a better grip on the theme functionality and options you do have with it. Another thing that might help you is that we do have our help center where you can turn to our support team for any theme realted question you might have, as they will be happy to assist you.
      Let us know if you need anything else.

  • afroyiddish
    4 years ago

    is it possible to see in the demo the following pages:
    – FAQ page
    – Store location
    – policy page
    I couldn’t see it. except the location page but for this one I was wondering if there is the possibility to do like the location page of MAKAO theme. actually on MAKO theme I like the FAQ page and location page but I couldn’t it see the on the demo for La comète theme.
    I want la comète theme but just want to know before what its possible to do on these pages.

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi, thank you for taking interest in our theme!
      Unfortunately FAQ page is not part of the demo content, however, you can create this page with La comète theme using the sidebar and accordion elements which are included in the theme.
      The Privacy Policy page is one of the default WooCommerce pages, and even if it’s not displayed in the demo, after you install WooCommerce plugin you will get this page and you can edit it to your needs.
      Regarding the Locations page, it is possible to edit the page or create a new page with La comète theme and arrange elements like on the Locations page of Makao theme.
      In case you need further assistance to set it up, you can always submit a ticket at our Help Center and one of our support agents will gladly help you.
      Let us know if you need anything else.

  • melissa_ctr_facebook
    4 years ago

    Hi, is your template responsive for mobile/phone/ipad?

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago


      Thanks for writing in!

      Our templates are completely responsive on all devices, you can check that on our live demo.

      Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.


  • MP2019
    6 years ago

    Beautiful work! Could this theme be used as a blog / portfolio? Can the “Shop now” links (in home page) be used as direct links to blog posts? Thanks xx

    • Qode Interactive
      6 years ago

      Hi, thank you for writing in and taking interest in our themes!
      Yes, the theme can be used as a blog or portfolio and, as you can see on the demo, there are both blog and portfolio layouts included.
      The ‘Shop Now’ on the Main Home page can be linked to any other page from the website and the text can be changed, since it’s a button shortcode.

      If you have further questions, feel free to write.

      Best regards,

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