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Haar - Portfolio Theme for Designers, Artists and Illustrators $89


  • 6 months support / Lifetime updates
  • This item is sold exclusively on ThemeForest
982 sales
Created: 30 Mar 18  —  Updated: 23 Dec 21

Detailed Presentation

Creativity is even more powerful with Haar, a portfolio theme for designers, artists and illustrators. Beautifully designed, packed with tons of professional features, this theme has it all. Amaze your artsy crowd and craft a striking website

Key Features : Dozens of Portfolio Layouts, Glitch Effect, Tilt Image Effect, Shop, Bold Style, Hero Intro Effect
Ideal for : Artists, Illustrators, Designers, Freelancers, Creative Studios, Artwork Showcases

All our themes have

Professional support Unlimited updates 1 click demo content import 1K+ font styles available Easy color switch
Mobile ready SEO friendly Retina ready Translation ready Well documented
Social icons, social share Custom code friendly Fully customizable headers Fully customizable footers Adaptable shortcodes
Flexible layouts No coding required 100% GPL licensed

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  • ncampinho
    8 months ago

    I don’t have the WPBakery license. I need that to use the template?

    • Qode Interactive
      8 months ago


      The plugins that you got after the purchase (like WPBakery page builder and Slider Revolution) are called bundled and we, as theme authors, have purchased an extended license for them. That means you don’t have to activate them and they’ll work for you regardless of that.

      Bundled plugins offer the same core features and functionality as the standalone version of the item on CodeCanyon. Some plugins may ask for a purchase code for registration/activation once installed, however, you can simply ignore these messages as bundled plugins do not require activation or registration. The plugin will still work as intended with the theme once the theme has been activated/registered.

      Bundled plugins do get updated with the theme, however, in case you need immediate update of any bundled plugin you can contact our support here and they will provide you with latest version.


  • ramutkarolina
    4 years ago

    Hallo, thank you very much for your Theme. I’m building website for my client again and I found a problem with colours of the Edge Scroll Slider – it looks like they are impossible to change. Could you please verify this? Thank you!

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi there,

      Please, we would appreciate it if you could submit a ticket to our help center and one of our support agents will assist you as our team will be happy to check any theme related issues you might have and help you.

      Best regards,

  • AndreaPoco
    4 years ago

    Hi, I would like to buy your template but I have a doubt regarding the management of the videos in the portfolio. Is it possible to upload videos in the portfolio part and if so, where can I find a demonstration example? thank you

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi there, thank you for taking interest in our theme.
      You can add videos for portfolio single pages and you can see the backend options in theme’s documentation
      Let us know if you need anything else.
      Best regards,

  • Claude
    4 years ago

    Hi, I like the Look of Haar theme but the colors don’t fit for my client. Can I switch it to my liking or are there restrictions? Same with the type. I need a light weight Typography … how flexible is this theme?

    • Qode Interactive
      4 years ago

      Hi, thanks for reaching out!
      The colors and fonts can easily be changed using the theme options. In the theme’s General options, you will find the “First Main Color” option that allows you to instantly change the theme’s primary color, as well as specific colors on the page or element level. These options also include global settings for fonts, which let you customize each heading or paragraph, change the font family, its color, and more.
      Hope this helps.
      Best regards,

  • Al_Markhiya_Gallery
    5 years ago

    The slider revolution currently is not activated and needed to registe to unlock all features. How do I solved this problem to show my images that are included in this plugin in my website again?

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