Section Title
The easy way to create captivating and completely customizable titles for your page sections
Heading 1
DM Sans - Lineheight 60px - Color #1e1e1e
Heading 2
DM Sans - Lineheight 59px - Color #1e1e1e
Heading 3
DM Sans - Lineheight 41px - Color #1e1e1e
Heading 4
DM Sans - Lineheight 35px - Color #1e1e1e
Heading 5
Heading 6
Easy title customization
Pick Typography Styles
Heading Tags
Spacing Options
Customize Your Titles
The Qi Addons Section Title
Titles that catch everyone’s eye
Your pages deserve titles that are sure to grab your audience’s attention – the great thing is, you get to choose how they look! The Qi Addons Section Title widget lets you adapt typography, include additional text, feature subtitles, buttons & more.

Adapt tags, colors & typography for each segment of your title separately.
It’s more than a title! Not only can you pick a heading tag, set a color and customize typography for your title, but you can do the same for your subtitles & additional text. On top of that you can include differently styled buttons & button icons.