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Everything You Need to Know About Elementor Cloud Website

Everything You Need to Know About Elementor Cloud Website

Elementor is one of the most popular and highly recommended site builders for WordPress. You don’t have to be a veteran fan to understand why – even someone making their first steps with the site builder using our beginners’ guide can see just how great Elementor is and how many options it gives you. It’s also incredibly extendible, with plugins like Qi Addons for Elementor letting you easily create even more awesome elements for your website. And just when you were about to think that it doesn’t get any better than that, Elementor offers up its very own site hosting service – Elementor Cloud Website.

If this is the first time that you’re hearing of the Elementor Cloud Website, or if you just heard about it and you’re wondering what’s all the fuss about, don’t worry. We’ll tell you all the important stuff about Elementor Cloud Website, and hopefully, help you decide whether to entrust your WordPress website to Elementor’s (kind of) hosting service or maybe go with one of the more established players on the market.

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What Is Elementor Cloud Website?

Elementor Cloud Website

Elementor Cloud Website is Elementor’s “all-in-one website creation solution” that brings together the content management of WordPress, the no-code site building experience of Elementor, and merges them with a hosting service that was specifically designed and optimized to work with the site builder. The seamless integration between Elementor and WordPress, backed by statistics showing that WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet, makes it a powerful and popular choice for website creation.

Elementor Cloud Website relies on the Google Cloud Platform to take care of the hosting. For caching and content delivery, the service relies on Cloudflare and its CDN services. WordPress is in charge of content management, of course, and it comes pre-installed so there’s no need to worry about that.

Elementor Cloud Website users can rely on the full gamut of Elementor features – including the ones only available with Elementor Pro. They also get access to the Hello Elementor theme, although nothing will prevent you from installing any WordPress theme that’s compatible with the hosting service.

What Are Some Benefits to Using Elementor Cloud Website?

What Are Some Benefits to Using Elementor Cloud Website

Right off the bat, Elementor Cloud Website will come at you with some great features that might make your work at least a little bit easier. For example, your website will have a backup of it performed automatically once a day, but you’ll also be able to perform manual backups when needed. You’ll also get a free SSL certificate bundled with your package, although you’ll be free to install any other certificate you want. Site lock is another very useful feature that prevents people from stumbling upon your website while it’s still in the process of being created.

Your website will also have a generous allotment of resources at its disposal. The hosting will allow for up to a hundred thousand monthly visits, 20 GB of storage for your content, and 100 GB in bandwidth for traffic. Even though the folks at Elementor don’t see most websites go over these limits and haven’t included any packages with more resources, they have stated their commitment to working things out with the websites that might need more resources.

If you have an existing website you want to transfer to the Elementor Cloud service, don’t worry – they’ve made it easy with a site import kit. Similarly, if you ever get tired of Elementor Cloud, or if you just want to give your website a different home, you’ll be free to do so. Elementor will give you a hand with its site export kit. So in case you were wondering whether using Elementor Cloud Website locks your website in with Elementor’s hosting, the answer is – no.

Not for nothing, but the fact that Elementor offers all this at a single pricing point, without any additional costs or hidden fees, is a major boon. You get everything Elementor Cloud Website has to offer for $99 per year, and you won’t be asked to pay for anything else in between two payment cycles.

What Are Some Drawbacks to Using Elementor Cloud Website?

What Is Dynamic Content

Even though Elementor Cloud Website provides plenty of useful services, there are still reasons why you might choose to use a different website host. The obvious is that you’re not interested in Elementor and want to use other site builders for your website – the majority of them, if not all, aren’t supported. You get to play only with Elementor when you use it for hosting.

You won’t be able to register a domain name with Elementor. This doesn’t have to be a big drawback at all, as you’re more than welcome to connect a custom domain to your Elementor Cloud website after purchasing it at any registrar. However, if you wanted to finish absolutely everything involved with launching a website with Elementor Cloud Website, you won’t be able to.

A possibly bigger problem is that Elementor Cloud doesn’t provide email hosting services. Your website will be able to send up to a hundred emails per day – that includes transactional emails – but for anything above that, you’ll have to rely on a third-party service. Again, this doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker if email is important to your business, as that might have prompted you to seek out separate email hosting services either way.

An even bigger limitation is that you won’t be able to use FTP with Elementor Cloud Website. Any file management you’d perform with FTP won’t be available to you. And neither will some of the most popular plugins – while it supports the vast majority of WordPress plugins, Elementor Cloud Website won’t let you use plugins such WP Total Cache, Jetpack, UpdraftPlus, or Slider Revolution, as well as most site builders.

Elementor Cloud Website – Who Is It For?

Elementor has partnered with some of the biggest names in cloud hosting and content delivery to ensure that its users get the best possible performance from their website and the best possible experience when working with Elementor. If you’re a fan of Elementor and you’re in the market for a hosting plan that won’t burden you with too many choices, the Elementor Cloud Website might be for you. It will allow you to focus on designing your website while it takes care of everything else.

You should keep in mind, however, that Elementor Cloud Website isn’t a replacement for regular WordPress hosting. If you want the variety and freedom of choices you’d get with regular hosting, you should steer clear of Elementor Cloud Website. There are plenty of other web hosting providers that would be happy to have you as a customer.

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