9 Best FAQ Plugins for WordPress

FAQ stands for “frequently asked questions”. It is usually a website section designed to address certain issues with regards to use and access of a website which may commonly arise, but you may decide to use it simply as a novel way of presenting textual content (in the form of accordions or bullets, for instance).
There are all kinds of reasons for adding an FAQ to your website, but chief among them is information: everything a visitor wants to know in one place. A well-thought through FAQ will answer all the questions a reasonable user might have with regards to business policy, sales, licensing, shipping, or other services a website offers, and so on. It might also help some hapless users find their way around a website.
Picture this: you do your best to make your website as clear and as simple to use as possible, and people still have trouble finding what they need. Fortunately, there is a time-honoured way of addressing these exact issues: an FAQ section.
In this article, we will be reviewing our favourite WordPress FAQ plugins.

A free plugin expanding Elementor’s already formidable capabilities, our very own Qi Addons For Elementor contains 60 brand-new, beautifully designed widgets, and its FAQ widget is one of them. The widget comes with two basic styles: non-interactive lists or animated accordions. Simply drag and drop an FAQ element on your page, fill out its contents, and you’re done. Your FAQ can be set up within minutes. What’s more, with Qi Addons you can have as many FAQ or accordion features as you wish anywhere on your website.
Each of the styles has a large variety of configuration options, including custom icons, numbers, borders and boxes, making sure it will suit any design solution. All you need to make it work is the latest version of Elementor, the premier visual page builder for WordPress. Qi Addons will work with the free version of Elementor, too, so it needn’t cost you a penny.

Ultimate FAQs is a very user-friendly plugin which lets you create unlimited FAQs and display them in any widget area, or indeed anywhere else on your website using a Gutenberg block or a shortcode. You can also style your FAQs using CSS, add icons and links, display your FAQs in toggle or accordion form, and much more, as we have shown in our extensive review of the plugin, and that’s just the free version. Of course, the premium version comes with more options, including search, WooCommerce integration, social media sharing options, and more.

With Quick and Easy FAQs, you can create and add FAQs as custom post types. They can take the shape of non-interactive lists, toggle displays, or be grouped in topics. True to its name, it is quick and easy to use, completely free, though pared down in terms of options. Still, it does come with a custom CSS box, allowing you to style it any way you wish.

As the name suggests, Accordion FAQ lets you display your FAQs in accordion form. The plugin uses shortcodes to show your FAQs and has a simple drag-and-drop builder and editor. The plugin supports Font Awesome, is integrated with Font Awesome Icon Picker and has unlimited colour options, so you will be able to fit them into any theme or design style.

Arconix FAQ is a free and simple plugin which gives you the ability to generate an FAQ custom post type. You can then use a simple shortcode to display it anywhere you want it. Other features include grouping of multiple questions and displaying items by group, and a choice between displaying your FAQ as a jQuery toggle or an accordion.

With Easy Accordion, you can create unlimited accordions and place them anywhere on your website. You can customize them in terms of colour and styling, but also set activation events (on click or hover), icons, borders, and similar, and each of the accordions you generate can have its own unique settings. This free plugin also comes with drag-and-drop sorting, for easy FAQ editing.

Helpie FAQ allows you to create FAQ posts, organize them into user-searchable categories, and display them anywhere on your website. Its features also include a drag-and-drop editor, an FAQ search bar, and a shortcode builder so you don’t have to input all the parameters yourself. The FAQs themselves come with a large number of header and body styling options including font, colour, size, and padding. Unlike many other free plugins, Helpie FAQ integrates with WooCommerce and lets you add accordion tabs to WooCommerce product pages.

A versatile and highly customizable free plugin, WP Responsive FAQ With Category allows you to set up multiple instances of a FAQ using shortcodes, but it does require some shortcode manipulation to work properly. The plugin displays an FAQ as an accordion, and can be, with some parameters added to the shortcode, set to display a single category of your FAQ or a limited number of items. You can also use CSS and JS to customize your FAQ even further.

Knowledge Base for Documentation and FAQs is a free plugin which provides you with an efficient and easy to use solution for your FAQ needs. It comes with 26 professionally designed layout designs out of the box, while also allowing you a great deal of customization options. Its stand-out features are hierarchical organization (you can have up to five levels of sub-topics in your FAQ) and a fast search bar. This plugin also generates its own table of contents automatically.
In Conclusion
As you can see, there is no shortage of free and versatile WordPress FAQ plugins. But which one is the right one for you? We have been upfront and honest with you: we have a horse in this race. Again, in all honesty, we would be hard-pressed not to recommend Qi Addons For Elementor (and its FAQ Elementor widget) even if it weren’t a product of which we are as proud as we are.
However, if you are not an Elementor user, but do require an FAQ feature on your website, you could scarcely go wrong with Ultimate FAQ. Knowledge Base for Documentation and FAQs is great if you have a large amount of content you need to organize into an FAQ, while Quick and Easy FAQs is as quick and easy as the name suggests. Other entries on this list have features going for them, and all of them are free – you can test-drive each and every one of them if you so choose, and pick the one which best fits your website.