How to Edit (Crop, Flip, Scale, and Rotate) WordPress Images

Image editing doesn’t always require the use of Photoshop or other photo editing software. Some basic editing actions can be performed from the WordPress dashboard itself. While you won’t be able to, say, increase the image resolution from the platform, you can still make some alterations on the fly, including cropping, flipping, scaling, and rotating your photos.
In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll show you how to edit WordPress images using the platform so you can save yourself some time and bypass external tools. We’ll also discuss how to restore the original image file, just in case you’re not happy with how things turn out once all the editing is done.
How to Edit WordPress Images
To start editing WordPress images, you must first upload them to your WordPress website (if the photo is already added, you can skip this first step). To do that, click on Media > Add New.

Now, go to Media > Library.

Find the image you just uploaded and click on it. This will open a popup window with the preview of the image and image details in it, such as its name, size, file type, and dimensions.
To start editing the file, click on Edit Image below the preview or Edit More Details in the bottom right corner of the screen.

In the upper left corner of the newly opened overlay screen, you can see four primary actions, including cropping, rotating, and flipping images.

Crop a WordPress Image
Before you upload an image to your website, you may be required to crop it to a specific size. To do that, click the Crop button and drag the handles to select the area you wish to crop. Then, press the Crop button once more to finish cropping the image. Lastly, save your changes.
Rotate a WordPress Image
Use Rotate Left and Rotate Right buttons to rotate your images by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.
Flip a WordPress Image
If you’d like to flip a photo either vertically or horizontally, use the Flip Vertical and Flip Horizontal options.
And that’s it as far as the left-hand side of the screen goes. Let’s take a look at the right one now to discover some more cool options, such as image scaling, aspect ratio, and thumbnail settings.

Scaling a WordPress Image
WordPress allows you to scale i.e. resize your image, but only to make it smaller. As we mentioned earlier, you cannot increase its resolution using this platform.
To change the dimensions of your file, enter the desired dimensions in designated fields, and hit the Scale button once you’re done. By the way, if you plan on cropping your image, make sure to scale it first, or else you’ll lose the original proportions of the image.
Set an Aspect Ratio of a WordPress Image
The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio between its width and its height. Use the Aspect Ratio option in WordPress to set a specific aspect ratio for your picture. Again, you should do it before cropping the file, to ensure the proportions you’ve set are preserved.
Thumbnail Settings
Using the thumbnail setting, you can select if the changes will be applied to all image sizes, just the thumbnail, or to all image sizes save for the thumbnail.
Of course, every time you make an edit, don’t forget to save your modifications. If, at any point, you want to cancel an action you made, click the Undo button placed below the image file.
How to Restore the Original Image File
In case you’ve already saved all the changes but come to look at the file again, you’re not happy with the end result, there’s a way to go back to how things were before all the edits. In the media library, find the image again and click on Edit. This time around, you’ll notice another option on the right side – Restore Original Image. By clicking the Restore Image button, you’ll annul all the modifications you’ve made previously.

Final Words
The WordPress’ image editor is certainly not as powerful as external photo software tools, but it still allows you to perform basic actions and photo modifications from the dashboard. With just a few clicks of your mouse and without ever having to leave the platform, you can edit WordPress images and crop, flip, scale, and rotate them exactly according to your requirements.