Become a Qi partner and start earning today!
Sign up for the Qi affiliate program for a chance to make 30% off each referral.
The best advocates come in all shapes and sizes
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Tech Reviewers
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FAQ about the Qi affiliate program and products
Discover all the basics you need to get started.
1. How does it work?
It is very simple. You sign up for the program and after we approve your application, you receive access to the Affiliate Area on our website, containing the marketing kit and the affiliate link. Simply place the link in your product reviews, or anywhere you deem fit on your website, YouTube channel or social platforms. Each time a customer comes to us via that link and makes a purchase, you will earn a commission.
The affiliate program is only valid for the Qi line of products: Qi Theme, Qi Addons for Elementor, Qi Blocks for Gutenberg and Qi Templates. Our premium themes are part of the Envato affiliate program.
2. Who is eligible to become an affiliate?
The only condition for becoming an affiliate is that you believe in our product and have a medium through which you can recommend it, be it your blog, your YouTube channel, or your social media profile. This affiliate program is also open for marketing agencies and developers who want to recommend our product to their customers.
3. How do I track my earnings?
Once you become our affiliate partner, you will gain access to the Affiliate Area on our website, where you can check at any given moment how many referrals you have made, how many people you have sent to our website, how many of them have purchased the product and how much you have earned.
4. Do I need to be a Qi / Qode customer?
No, you do not have to be our customer to be our affiliate partner. However, if you yourself use our products, you are more likely to make an informed recommendation about them, about their possibilities and benefits to your community.
5. How do I get paid?
Payouts are carried out monthly via PayPal.
6. When do I get paid?
Payouts are processed once per month. If your earnings during one month do not exceed $100, they are transferred to the following month, and payment is postponed to the end of the month in which your total earnings are $100 or more.
7. Are there any restrictions on how I can market?
Ideally, our products should be promoted via recommendations and tutorials. Any sort of spam or FTC violation is strictly prohibited. The use of affiliate links in pay-per-click ads or offering discounts other than those published on our website is not allowed.
8. How much affiliate commission will I be paid?
We share a 30% commission on any sale generated through your affiliate link.
9. How much can I earn as a Qi affiliate?
There are no limitations or caps. The more customers reach us through your link, the higher your chance to earn money.
10. How long will a customer be attributed to my account?
In most cases, a customer does not complete a purchase immediately after landing on our website. Because of this, your commission will be valid if the customer who has landed on our website via your cookie completes a purchase within 30 days.
11. Can I sign up using my own referral link?
No, you are not allowed to make purchases via your own link.