QODE Optimizer

Hi, and welcome to the QODE Optimizer User Guide. The User Guide covers all the information needed to use the QODE Optimizer plugin with your theme to build an amazing website with optimized images.

If you need any additional assistance while using our plugin, you can send us an email at [email protected]

You can navigate through different sections of the User Guide by clicking on the links in the menu to the left of your screen. You will also notice that we have highlighted certain parts of the text throughout the User Guide, such as important pieces of information and useful tips.

This user guide covers the full set of options that the plugin provides, including both its Free and Premium versions. 

The QODE Optimizer is an option-packed plugin designed to let you modify formats and reduce image file sizes on your website and decrease loading times and bounce rates, all without any compromise to image quality

Installing the QODE Optimizer plugin

First off, here's a list of minimum requirements as well as recommended hosting parameters for running QODE Optimizer plugin: 

Minimum Requirements

Recommended Hosting Parameters


  1. Download QODE Optimizer plugin
  2. Upload the qode-optimizer directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your preferred method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Install and Activate QODE Optimizer from your Plugins page.

In the following sections of the User Guide you'll find a comprehensive overview of all the settings available in the plugin's QODE Optimizer section of your WordPress admin panel once you have installed and activated the QODE Optimizer plugin.

The settings found here are applied globally and will affect the entirety of your website.

You can look up any of the available global options by typing in the keyword or a part of the option name in the search field located at the top of the screen in the Optimizer options section. 

This section provides you with a selection of options related to general set up of the plugin and the way the optimization is handled. It is divided into four sub-sections: Optimization, Conversion, WebP, and Advanced. 



This is where you can make general adjustments to the overall process of image optimization on your website. 

First off, you can set a maximum width and height for uploaded images in pixels. 

After that, you can pick a JPG compression method you'd like to use.

You can apply Lossy (Imagick/GD Lib), Lossless (CL Tools), Lossy (CL Tools), or opt for no compression.


In the event that you selected one of the Lossy methods, you can also configure the compression quality - 1 is max compression (lowest image quality), while 100 is minimum compression (highest image quality). 


The same applies to configuring the PNG compression method on your website. 

Next up is the GIF compression method, where you can pick from two compression types: Lossy (Imagick/GD Lib) and Lossy (CL Tools), with the same options partaining to compression quality as in the case of JPG and PNG files. 

Following this, you have the option to enable automatic removal of metadata for images on your website. 

The option that follows allows you to enable automatic image optimization for images on your website, with the optimization process taking place for all uploaded images on your website. 

The final option found here lets you choose predetermined image sizes which you can disable image optimization for. 



This is where you can make general adjustments to the process of image conversion on your website. 

First up, you can enable JPG to PNG, PNG to JPG and GIF to PNG conversion. Note that the conversion only applies to non-animated GIF files. 

Next up, you can choose an additional compression method for JPGs and PNGs to be applied following the conversion (Lossy (Imagick/GD Lib), Lossless (CL Tools), Lossy (CL Tools)). In addition to this, you can configure the compression quality for Lossy conversion methods. 

After that, you have the option to set a fill color for transparent backgrounds once they have been converted to JPG. 

The last option in this sub-section allows you to enable automatic original image deletion after the process of conversion, allowing you to save up even more in terms of memory usage and resources. 




Here you can configure the WebP format conversion and compression. 

First off, you can enable creating WebP images as a part of the process of optimization. 

You also have the option to choose a conversion method for WebP files (Native or CL Tools). 

Next up you can configure the WebP Image Compression quality (1 is maximum conversion and lowest image quality, while 100 is minimal conversion and highest image quality). 

Following this you can insert/remove rewriting rules for WebP images on Apache/LiteSpeed web servers. 

The subsequent option lets you enable picture WebP rewriting, which is a JavaScript-free rewriting method which utilizes picture tags. 

After that, you are presented with an option that enables automatic lossless conversion method when converting PNGs to WebP. 



This sub-section of Optimizer options allows you to define and fine-tune the optimization process on your website further. 

Here you'll find options for setting up a backup method for original images. 

You can also include additional folders with files you'd like to optimize. Note that you need to provide one full filesystem path here, and not the URL. 

After that, you can input a full filesystem path for the folder with images you wish to exclude from the optimization process. 

Next up, you can enable the System Log. By enabling this option, you'll turn automatic system logging of any action during the optimization process in a separate log file. 

Following this, you can enable showing the Regenerate link in the Media Library. 

The option that follows allows you to select predetermined image sizes you do not wish WordPress to create. 

Finally, you can enable automatic watermark creation for images during the optimization process.

In the event that you enable this option, you can also input a full filesystem path (not the URL) for the watermark that will be applied to your images, and you can choose where you wish to position the watermark inside the images. 

In this sub-section of the QODE Optimizer options you can perform the image optimization process. 

You have the option to select All unoptimized images, or All images on your site. 

In addition to this, you can Force Optimization for already optimized images too (the already optimized images are otherwise skipped). 

In the event that you wish to optimize specific images only, you can do so by navigating to Media > Library and perform the optimization for individual images of your choosing. 

This is where you can regenerate thumbnails for all the images on your website. 

Simply select the All images option and click the Start Regeneration button found below. 

In this sub-section of QODE Optimizer options you can restore the images to their original state. 

Simply select the All optimized images option and click the Start Restoration button. 

If you wish to restore specific images only, you can do so by navigating to Media > Library and perform the restoration for images you select from there. 

In the Utilities sub-section you have the ability to resolve any possible issues relating to invalid optimization history and the WebP images on your website. 




Invalid Optimization History

Since images which were optimized manually can potentially cause certain issues and inconsistencies with information saved in the system, this information may need some correcting. If there are any issues detected, you can resolve them here. 

Optimization History Cleanup

After performing varius stages of the optimization process (modifying images back & forth, altering original image sizes, regenerating thumbnails, deleting images), there is a chance that the optimization system still stores some outdated and currently irrelevant image info. 

If such a situation arises, you can clean up the optimization history here and remove any redundant information in the process. 




Optimization History Removal

Here you have the option to completely remove the optimization history and effectively make all already optimized images "new originals". 

Note that the Optimization History contains all the information regarding the already performed image optimizations and actions taken during the process, and also makes sure all the images are fully restorable to their original forms (this will not be possible after removing the optimization history). 


WebP Images Removal

If you wish to delete all the WebP images created during the optimization process, you can do so here. 

You have the option to remove created WebP images only, or remove all WebP images found on your server. 

In the Status section of the plugin options you are presented with the general plugin status check info. 

This is where are presented with an overview of information partaining to the plugin and its current standing, including General, PHP Libraries, PHP WebP Support, Comand Line Tools Support, and Command Line Tools info. 

The System Log provides you with a simple and straightforward way to access an overview of all the steps taken by the system during the image optimization process. 

This lets you track processes that affect specific images and see the results of said processes, which in turn gives you more insight on how to refine the optimization further. 

Note that it is advisable to keep the System Log turned on during analysis period only, since keeping it enabled all the time may have an impact on the overall performance. 

You can enable/disable the System Log by navigating to QODE Optimizer > Optimizer > Advanced